Dec 14, 2009


Today I woke in a daze. Fumbling, bumbling, stumbling and mumbling my way through the morning as was normal in most days. Today I was still around 20 minutes late as usual and I even had to walk to school which was also usual. On my way to school something unusual happened though. As I scratched my rough but sad excuse for a beard, yelling slanderous abuse at bystanders I saw a phox. Not the "PhoX" that was designed by Christophe Raffalli but in fact the common garden phox. It was gold with a white tip at the end of it's tail. As I opened my mouth to insult it, I saw something. Something about it caught my attention. I had a look in it's eyes as if it had kept a certain value that we humans had lost many a time ago, it had a certain air of sagacity. It stood there looking at me as if it wanted me to do something for it. I shrugged. It nodded it's head towards the bushes behind it, almost beckoning me. I had no choice other than to follow it. I walked for what it seemed was for hours, through brambles, vines and what ever mother nature had to throw at me. I finally reached the home of this majestic phox. When there, the most peculiar, abnormal, strange, other-wordly thing occurred. "The phox stood on his two hind legs and started a conversation with me. It sounded something like this. "hello my name is james the phox, I am not one for idle chatter nor wasting valuable time so I will slice straight to the point. I have lived in these woods for over a century now and have live peacefully with the surrounding nature". He paused for effect and then started again. "Recently (in the past 30 years) the savage race we phoxs refer to as pumans have set up a nest in the nearby vicinity, containing their spawns and hoping that by forcing through inane worthless cycles that they will grow into insidious adults like the rest of them". "The only way these children can release their rage is by insulting or hurting others and it seems as though we are their target, we need you to save the phox race". At the time I was still pretty dazed (although I am unsure as to whether it was due to the phox or my lack of breakfast) and was pretty hungry so I pulled out my knife and ate the phox. To this day I still wonder who this vile and savage race was that the phox called 'pumans' whoever they were they must have been ugly as. I believe that the moral from this event in life was one of three things.
1. Eat phoxs, especially when they are near your school as they taste pretty nice
2. Avoid Pumans ,or
3. When yelling abuse make sure no-one else is around

Nov 19, 2009


As my blog is called "ninja" I have decided to actually start to write something that actually involves ninjas. Since ninjas are so diverse, I am going to start off with the different types of ninjas you can get.

1. cartoon ninjas: unlike anime ninjas, these are used in games such as "ninjatown" (pictured below). these may be cute and funny, but cannot be considered ninjas as most people know, ninjas are pure awesomeness and should never be disgraced or insulted by being called "cute". the safety of people involved with such games like "ninjatown" cannot have their safety guaranteed.
2. Proper ninjas these ninjas are the main source of ninjas and can't be described with as little as one word, so here's a few that are close to "ninja".
Astonishing, awe-inspiring, daunting, exalted, fearful, fearsome, formidable, grand, imposing, impressive, intimidating, magnificent, majestic, mind-blowing, overwhelming, stunning, stupefying, terrifying, wonderful, wondrous and zetta awesome!!!
Unfrotunately I must end now, be sure to see updates later

Nov 18, 2009

The meaning to life

many people ask me on a regular basis, "what is the meaning to life?" When will people realise that when you ask a pathetic question, you get a pathetic answer like; "the meaning of life is,
the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.
the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.
a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.
the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.
any specified period of animate existence: a man in middle life.
the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play: The life of the car may be ten years.
a living being: Several lives were lost.
living things collectively: the hope of discovering life on other planets; insect life.
a particular aspect of existence: He enjoys an active physical life.

according to" then people that ask the question get infuriated because "you didn't answer properly" when in truth, you answered to the full of your potential.

Asking ninjas.

I was stumbling on teh intarwebz when I found this!!! ASK A NINJA!!! why didn't people ask ninjas in the first place? When you think about it, they know everything, including the meaning of life.

Jul 1, 2009

Shocking NEW Discovery

Scientists have recently been restless. After they discovered a grim fact that has unsettled everyone, The moon is actually not made of cheese. Equipped with this information, the United States Government and all of it's associates have made plans to backup the "moon mice" with Earth cheese. Unfortunately the effects of earth cheese on moon mice has not been taken into account and all attempts may end with dire consequences, the worst being that the moon mice instantaneously combust and eventually become extinct.
please vote AGAINST moon mice cheese feeding in future polls as the scientists conducting safety tests have grown weary of the blood.

Jun 29, 2009

What happened today *snore*

Today is Thursday, 19th November 2009 and so far it has been a pretty good day. I'll start with this morning to avoid unnessecary confusion.
This morning I woke up as usual and checked the alarm clock just to make sure I was 5 minutes late, Strangely I was only 3 minutes late and soon became extremely distraught. I searched in the back of my mind for an excuse. "was it because of Yesterday, did I eat something that made me sleep less? I decided that it was far too early for me to be asking questions let alone answering my own.
After eating my usual child and salad sandwich, I opened up the windows and decided to wait for the two minutes I had underslept for before heading for work.
I am a beta tester for most good flash games. When I beta test, I require one Jam sandwich so I can get into the habit of being irrate at the smallest of things. This usually happens when I eat jam.
I walked on a silver rainbow because I am too poor for a gold one.